Welcome to our
16th Edition!
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Hi there!
Welcome to the 16th Edition of our regional Visitors Guide, encompassing the Ku-ring-gai district as well as Hornsby Shire and the Hawkesbury.
The Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Visitors Guide (HKVG) is more than a guide for visitors, it is a treasure trove of exciting places and beauty spots to be enjoyed by all.
You are about to explore those special places and share with your family and friends a unique and exciting discovery of history, adventure, beauty, food and wine that is the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai region.
Use the information in the HKVG to maximise your fun discovering what this exquisite region, encompassing waterways, foreshores, bushland, urban and rural getaways, has to offer.
We urge you to support the numerous wonderful local businesses featured in this Guide as you explore the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai region.
HKVG is produced by local people who are passionate about sharing the wonders of the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai region. Welove hearing feedback from our readers, so please let us know how our guide has helped you.
Enjoy your getaway!
HKVG is an independent publication produced by local people who are passionate about sharing the wonders of the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai region with the world. We love hearing feedback from our readers, so please let us know how our guide has helped you. For further updates during your stay, please Like our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/HornsbyShireVisitorsGuide Enjoy your getaway!
Kathie Comb & the HKVG team You can also read the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Visitors Guide online: www.hkvg.com.au The Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Visitors Guide is an independent magazine designed just for you – the visitor to this wonderful region. Have a great stay and please remember when you are out and about, let our advertisers know how you found them as it is only with their support that we can continue to bring you this free tourist magazine.
Getting here!
Getting to the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Region from the centre of Sydney is a 20 minute drive north along the Pacific Highway passing through the leafy northern suburbs or a leisurely train trip on the North Shore Line. Take the time to travel north from Sydney and create happy holiday memories that will stay with you forever.